The planet Jupiter just became a trans icon

An incredible new photo shared by NASA revealed the planet boasting colours of the trans flag.


Source: Twitter

A new photo of Jupiter has shown the planet in a beautiful new light, proving once and for all that our Solar System's largest planet is a proud trans ally. 

The , taken last year, was posted yesterday on the US government space agency’s and shows Jupiter illuminated in the colours of the trans flag.

Naturally, social media users were quick to celebrate the fabulous 'coming out' of sorts.
“Jupiter appears different in near ultraviolet light, partly because the amount of sunlight reflected back is distinct, giving differing cloud heights and latitudes discrepant brightnesses,” NASA explained on the page.

They continued, explaining that the planet is regularly photographed in order to “better interpret Jupiter’s cloud motions and to help NASA’s robotic Juno spacecraft understand the planetary context of the small fields that it sees."

1 min read
Published 17 October 2018 12:46pm
By Samuel Leighton-Dore

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