Usap tayo: Why around 100,000 people failed the citizenship test in the past years

The result of online survey on citizenship changes revealved

Source: AAP

According to data gathered by News Corp Australia, of the nearly two hundred thousand people who took the citizenship test in May 2022 and August 2022, more than one hundred thousand failed. What could be the reason for this and how do we improve our chances of passing?

  • Eligible people who undertake the Australian citizenship test are asked 20 multiple choice questions about Australia, including five questions about Australian values.
  • In order to pass, a person must answer all five Australian values questions correctly and get an overall mark of at least 75 percent.
  • Takers of the citizenship test must prepare beforehand by reading ang studying the official citizenship test resource booklet.
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Usap tayo: Why around 100,000 people failed the citizenship test in the past years

SBS Filipino

