Understanding and addressing racism


Addressing Racism: Next steps, aims to provide community members with information that focuses on how to address racism and who can provide support when needed and where to report incidents of racism should the need arise. Credit: YuriArcursPeopleimages

A community forum on addressing racism built on previous community consultation in early 2024 will aim to assist Filipino Australians in identifying racism and the support and assistance available to those who experience it.

Key Points
  • Information on the develeopment of a National Anti-Racism Framework.
  • The panel will include experts from the Filipino Australian community.
  • The discussion will take off from the community consultation in early 2024.

Ang Addressing Racism: Next Steps is open to all Filipino Australians in Victoria. The seminar is free but

THe seminar is organised by The University of the Philippines Alumni Association (UPAV) with support from the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils in Australia (FECCA).

racism ph image

Filipino Australians encouraged to join community consultations in Victoria to combat racism

SBS Filipino

