
Police arrest protesters who broke curfew by marching through Manhattan, New York during a solidarity rally Wednesday, June 3, 2020

紐約警方於曼哈頓拘捕多名街頭示威者。 Source: AP

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美國因上月底發生 46 歲非裔男子被警察用膝壓頸約 9 分鐘後死亡,結果抗議示威和暴力活動席捲全美,總統特朗普揚言會出動軍隊鎮壓。

美國執法部門順應示威者的要求,把以膝壓頸的 44 歲警員 Derek Chauvin 的 3 級謀殺控罪提升至 2 級謀殺,而他的 3 名涉事同僚則正式遭落案起訴協助和教唆 2 級謀殺,並於美國時間今天稍後提堂。

Racial quotas are already in place in America  as means of diminishing racial discrimination, addressing under-representation and evident racism against those racial groups or, the opposite, against the disadvantaged majority group
美國已有種族配額 (racial quota) 去保障弱勢社群。 Source: Photo by Steven Jones on Unsplash
