
Students at Melbourne University do the robot dance.Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2009. Over three hundred students break the Giunness Book of records for the number of people doing the robot dance together together. (AAP Image/David Crosling) No Archive.

Students at Melbourne University do the robot dance.Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2009. Over three hundred students break the Giunness Book of records for the number of people doing the robot dance together together. (AAP Image/David Crosling) No Archive. Source: AAP

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许多澳洲年轻人刚刚完成 12 年级学业,无论下一步是继续学业还是寻找工作,如果能申请到相应的津贴和福利,相信能为家长和同学们提供不小的支持。

本台记者连线Services Australia的财务专员Teresa,为大家整理分享一些有关2024年的重要信息。一起来听听您的孩子马上可以申请哪些福利,是否符合领取Centerlink的青年津贴和其他相关福利?

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