
Yoorrook hears 'racist' treatment of Aboriginal children by Vic police

The state's Aboriginal legal service has showcased evidence to the inquiry, stating it believes racism is 'particularly prevalent' in the police force.


Yoorrook justice commissioners Sue-Anne Hunter, Eleanor Bourke, Maggie Walter and Kevin Bell during the public hearing. Source: AAP / Morgan Hancock

Key Points:
  • The justice commission heard that Aboriginal children in the state are subject to over-policing, excessive force, racial slurs and routine strip searches.
  • Aboriginal children in Victoria are nine times more likely to be detained in youth justice custody than non-Indigenous children.
  • Legal provisions that protects Indigenous children in custody isn't being adhered to according to VALS.
WARNING: distressing content.

Aboriginal children are being routinely strip-searched in "state-sanctioned violence", a defence lawyer has told Victoria's.

Kurnai Legal's Tessa Theocharous said the constant mistreatment of Aboriginal children by police was rooted in racism.

They are routinely subjected to racist slurs, excessive force and over-policing, the inquiry heard.

The unnecessary use of tasers and stricter bail laws were some examples cited at Wednesday's Yoorrook hearing.
During a strip-search, a person is forced to remove their clothing, stand with their legs apart and bend over in full view of prison guards.

"Children can be subjected to, it's effectively state-sanctioned violence," Ms Theocharous said.

"It just occurs constantly and all the time. I know from speaking to other lawyers and talking about their experiences with their clients … they find it really confronting when we speak about the experiences our First Nations clients have with police."

She added the issues are state-wide and said an independent body was needed to monitor and help improve police conduct.

Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service chief executive Nerita Waight, a proud Yorta Yorta woman, said systemic racism was prevalent within Victoria Police.

"Racism is also particularly prevalent in Victoria Police, mostly in the actions of individual officers and systemic racism permeates police practice," she said.

Commissioner's testimony on direct link between child removal and the justice system

Yoorrook Commissioner and Wiradjuri and Bangerang Elder, Aunty Geraldine Atkinson, shared a personal story with the inquiry.

She spoke about her nephew, who she was raised with and who was taken at ten years old and placed into Beltara Boys Home.

"He then progressed to Turana, which is now Parkville juvenile centre. Turana to Malmsbury juvenile justice centre," she said.
Aunty Geraldine Atkinson shared a story about her nephew at a hearing for Yoorrook Justice Commission in Melbourne. Source: AAP / Morgan Hancock
"When he went up to Sydney, he ended up in Long Bay jail. After Long Bay jail, he ended up in Goulburn jail."

After the death of his brother, he came home to Victoria, moving into the high-rise flats in Fitzroy.

He did a stint at Pentridge prison before returning to Fitzroy and becoming ill.

He died at the young age of 36.
That's the story of a child removed at about ten years of age, and then what their life trajectory is.
Aunty Geraldine Atkinson

Unaware of prevention policies

The Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service said police were not always aware of legal provisions that could ultimately lower the rate of arrests.

"There is a legislative provision — section 345 of the Children, Youth and Families Act — which states that police should presume that children should be proceeded with by way of summons rather than arrest and across the board we see that provision completely not being applied," principal lawyer of the Wirraway Practice Sarah Schwartz said.
Aboriginal young people aged 10 to 17 years are nearly six times more likely to be processed by police as alleged offenders than their non-Aboriginal peers.

They are also nine times more likely to be detained in youth justice custody.

In December 2021, Victoria Police issued a new policy outlining oversight requirements when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are in police custody requiring officers to document their custody decisions and provide supervisors with greater visibility of these decisions.

"Already we are progressing important change including the rollout of mandatory Aboriginal cultural awareness training to help our employees understand the role police have played in past government policies and practices, break down barriers and strengthen relationships between police and the Aboriginal community," Victoria Police said in a statement.
Victorian Police
Victorian Police say they are 'progressing important changes'. Source: AAP

Recommendations to be welcomed by govt

The state government said it welcomes any recommendations from the commission.

"We know that more needs to be done to address the over-representation of Aboriginal Victorians in the child protection and justice systems – that's why we're implementing a range of reforms with self-determination at their core," it said.

The truth-telling inquiry is the first of its kind in Australia, with its public hearings coming as Victoria embarks on a process towards treaty.

On Wednesday the inquiry heard from a range of Aboriginal legal, community and childcare services. The hearings will continue on Thursday.

4 min read
Published 15 December 2022 10:25am
Updated 15 December 2022 10:28am
Source: AAP / NITV

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