'Our Old People deserve respect': Tasmania's Aboriginal community protest the handling of ancestral remains

The protests were sparked by news of the disrespectful handling of ancestral remains last week.

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Nala Mansell led the protest which called out the recent mishandling of Aboriginal ancestral remains. Credit: Supplied

People have gathered in Tasmania to protest the recent mishandling of Aboriginal ancestral remains.

The remains, identified through coronial inquests, were dropped off to the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (TAC) in paper bags by a representative of the coroner's office last week.

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre's campaign manager, Nala Mansell, said the organisation was "horrified", calling it a "disregard and disrespect" of First Nations people.

On Tuesday, the group protested outside of St. David's Cathedral where Tasmanian politicians were attending a pre-parliamentary mass.
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Protesters left paper bags, identical to what the ancestral remains were delivered in, outside of the cathedral where politicians were gathered.
Ms Mansell, who led the protest, demanded answers from the Attorney General of Tasmania Guy Barnett, who she says has ignored calls to put in place better practices for the handling of Aboriginal remains.

"This state still has so far to go ... We're still having to fight for the remains of our Old People to be respected," she said addressing the group of protesters.

"[Mr Barnett] needs to come out, apologise and explain himself."

Ms Mansell also confronted Aboriginal Affairs Minister Roger Jaensch, who was attending the mass.
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Nala Mansell and Aboriginal Affairs Minister Roger Jaensch. Credit: Supplied
"What have you done? What do you say to the coroner? What action have you taken?" she asked the minister over a speakerphone.

Mr Jaensch said he was disappointed with the government's treatment of the ancestral remains.

“It’s not OK,” Mr Jaensch replied.

“We want to fix this, we want to make it better ... I will work with Minister Barnett and with parliament to find a better way."

2 min read
Published 14 May 2024 2:34pm
By Bronte Charles
Source: NITV

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