Google launched their first Reconciliation Action Plan - complete with Christine Anu!

Technology giant, Google Australia, has launched their first Reconciliation Action Plan, complete with a smoking ceremony and a live performance by Christine Anu.

Christine Anu sings for the launch of Google Australia's very first Reconciliation Action Plan

Christine Anu sings for the launch of Google Australia's very first Reconciliation Action Plan, 2017 Source: NITV

This years' theme for Reconciliation Week 2017 is 'Let's Take the Next Steps' and after over 12 months of working alongside Reconciliation Australia, the digital powerhouse, Google, is now taking one giant leap and launching their first ever Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

Last year, the tech giant promised to create a plan to take practical actions, build respectful relationships and open up new opportunities for First Nations' Australians.

In the lead up to today, Google Australia has a number of Indigenous strategies and RAP-based activities. the company has worked in close partnerships with , AIME, NITV and the , and in January 26, 2016 - a day which many Indigenous Peoples refer to as 'Invasion Day' or 'Day of Mourning' - the iconic ; a weeping mother and her absent children, making a vastly different statement from most media decorated in the Union Jack and the Southern Cross.

This morning in Metcalfe Park, Sydney, Google Australian launched their RAP-plan, opening with a smoking ceremony by one of Australia's most colourful Aboriginal personalities and elders, Uncle Max Eulo, followed by an official Welcome to Country by Gadigal Elder, Uncle Allen Madden.
Uncle Max Eulo gives an official smoking ceremony at the launch of Google Australia's RAP
Uncle Max Eulo gives an official smoking ceremony at the launch of Google Australia's RAP Source: NITV
Uncle Max Eulo and Christine Anu standing with Google staff at the launch event
Uncle Max Eulo and Christine Anu standing with Google staff at the launch event Source: NITV
Speaking on behalf of Google was Google Australia's Managing Director, Jason Pellegrino, who said the plan began from the passion of committed 'Googlers' who want to be a part of path towards reconciliation, of which is one. Mr Pellegrino spoke about being of a generation that lacked Indigenous education,

"At school ... all you learnt was the bravery and the skill of European settlers and explorers, and the reality of it, was that there wasn't any recognition for the role that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people had these before Europeans landed.

Now - this is the reflection I have had - it's wonderful to see in such a short period of time, that we have changed. And my kids are now learning, to a much deeper degree, about Aboriginal culture, about their connection to the land and their custodianship. And that's a wonderful thing, but there is so much more to do."
Director of Engineering for Google Australia, Alan Noble
Director of Engineering for Google Australia, Alan Noble says that Indigenous Australians are underrepresented in science, technology and engineering Source: NITV
He also made clear that Google aims to put this plan at the core of their culture, not put text down on a piece of paper or make a document to get filed away in a desk draw, but become a part of who the company is and how it operates.  

"Is not just a single plan, but it lives with us all and we continue to work on it."
Gadigal Elder, Uncle Alan Madden opens with a Welcome to Country at Google
Gadigal Elder, Uncle Alan Madden opens with a Welcome to Country Source: NITV
Director of Engineering of Google Australia, Alan Noble, also addressed the launch, outlining ;

  • Relationships - Partner with, and learn from, Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities.
  • Respect - Raise Google employee awareness of, and respect for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and achievements, in order to build an appreciation of life in Australia from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspective.
    "We want to ensure Googlers have every opportunity to learn about this amazing culture and history."
  • Opportunity - Provide better access to technology for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and a greater focus on building a pool of future technologists that better reflects Australia’s diversity.
    "We want to continue to have diversity and be inclusive, and be much more representative of diverse groups including First Nations,

    "In the longer term, we want to expand the pool of technologists. Today, very very few Indigenous Australians are studying science, technology and engineering in school, and that needs to change over the long-term.

    "[We want to] Bridge the digital divide, especially when the most disadvantaged communities are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities which have the double tyranny of remote distances."
Christine Anu sings for the launch of Google's first RAP
Christine Anu sings for the launch of Google's first RAP Source: NITV
To wrap up the event in Pyrmont, Sydney, music favourite and Torres Strait Islander Woman, Christine Anu sung a song in language and closed with her popular number, 'My Island Home'. Uncle Max's smoking twigs created an effective, powerful stage on the grass of Gadigal Land, with inspired Googlers eager to engage with Indigenous Australia.
Christine Anu closes the Google RAP launch with her famous song, 'My Island Home'
Christine Anu closes the Google RAP launch with her famous song, 'My Island Home' Source: NITV


4 min read
Published 29 May 2017 4:26pm
By Sophie Verass

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