WA zoo offers haven to 'death row' koalas

A small, privately-run zoo south of Perth wants to adopt koalas facing euthanasia because of their chlamydia diagnosis.

Chlamydia-infected koalas on death row, Perth

The use of computing may help us know where Koalas can best survive. Source: AAP

A private West Australian zoo wants to give chlamydia-infected koalas on death row a long and happy - albeit medicated - life in captivity, but the offer of a lifeline has so far been ignored.

Pinjarra-based Peel Zoo has been trying to acquire koalas since 2014 when operations manager David Cobbold learned a Queensland zoo was euthanising up to 10 of the marsupials each year because they had contracted chlamydia.

After repeatedly offering to adopt them, Peel Zoo is yet to receive a response.

"They're culling koalas at Cape Otway in Victoria and on Kangaroo Island off South Australia, and euthanising them in Queensland," Mr Cobbold told AAP.

"Why are so many koalas deliberately killed on the east coast, when we in the west are happy to provide them with good homes?"

He suggests the reason his requests have gone unanswered is koalas are big business "and with that comes politics".

But he's found a receptive ear in former WA tourism minister and now Liberal backbencher Kim Hames, who noted in a letter to Queensland environment minister Steven Miles that WA lacks genetic diversity with only about 70 koalas in the entire state.

Mr Cobbold said three in four international tourists want to see a koala, so would likely head to Queensland rather than visit the west.

He believes his push is timely, with the WA government hoping tourism will overtake mining as the state's biggest employer.

"It could just be tourism that becomes the next big thing," Mr Cobbold said.

"With Premier Colin Barnett taking over from Dr Hames in the tourism ministry, it seems this perspective is shared at the highest level."

Mr Miles is currently seeking advice on Peel Zoo's requests and expects to respond soon.

2 min read
Published 19 April 2016 7:32pm
Source: AAP

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