Turnbull puts heat on gas companies

Gas company executives will meet with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull next week to discuss the looming energy crisis.

Australia's Opposition Leader Bill Shorten

Bill Shorten says immediate government action is needed to secure Australia's domestic gas supply. (AAP)

Malcolm Turnbull has put gas companies "on notice" to explain how they are going to secure future supplies as Australia heads towards an energy crisis.

The prime minister will meet with executives from the major gas companies next week to discuss a looming shortage which could impact on businesses and households.

"They have been put on notice," Mr Turnbull told 5AA radio in Adelaide on Friday.

"I will be demanding from them their explanation how they are going to deliver security for their customers."

The energy market regulator predicts a shortage of gas could lead to widespread power shortages in NSW and South Australia from next year, followed by Victoria in 2021 and Queensland from 2030.

Key players in the market have also warned Australia is running out of power and prices are likely to rise further.

Labor leader Bill Shorten says the government needs to consider a national gas reservation policy to ensure a long-term supply - something unions have been seeking for years.

"There is a national emergency right now in terms of gas supplies," Mr Shorten told reporters in Melbourne.

"Mr Turnbull and the Liberals have been in power for four years and they've done nothing."

The prime minister has talked down the idea of gas reservation as it could jeopardise investment, and amounted to changing the ground rules after companies had spent millions on exploration and development.

But the government would "consider all measures" to provide energy security.

Mr Turnbull called on all political parties, including his own, to overturn their objections to unconventional gas development.

"We have so much gas - the problem is the political opposition to its exploitation," he said.

Asked whether Labor should get behind coal seam gas and shale gas, Mr Shorten said: "We've got to look at all feasible options for regular and reliable supply of gas to industry and consumers."

Mr Shorten wants any meeting to also include the states, which have control of gas exploration and production.

The Australian Industry Group says meeting with gas company chiefs should only be the start.

"State governments in New South Wales and Victoria, who have banned many forms of gas development, are also responsible for finding solutions," AI Group chief Innes Willox said.

3 min read
Published 10 March 2017 3:22pm
Source: AAP

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