'They have been ignored': Calls to allow food delivery drivers access to COVID-19 vaccines

Gig economy employees working through Sydney's lockdown fear the increased risk of infection, the Transport Workers Union says.

A food delivery worker wearing a face mask in the central business district in Sydney, Monday, June 28, 2021.

A food delivery worker wearing a face mask in the central business district in Sydney, Monday, June 28, 2021. Source: AAP

Unions are calling for food delivery drivers to join frontline workers in being prioritised for COVID-19 vaccination, due to the increased risk posed by the Delta variant that

With restaurants across Greater Sydney, Wollongong, Shellharbour, the Blue Mountains and the Central Coast restricted to takeaway only, and Premier Gladys Berejiklian urging people to reduce their mobility, demand for food deliveries to homes is on the rise.

Each night, scores of delivery drivers - most of whom are not currently eligible for the vaccine - are working during stay-at-home orders.
Nick McIntosh, Assistant National Secretary for the Transport Workers Union, told SBS News members had expressed “great concern” for their health working during lockdown.

“We're in the situation where they are essential workers that have just been totally ignored and are right on the frontline as this pandemic spreads,” he said.

“[They're concerned about] not being a priority in the vaccination queue, not being provided in many cases adequately with personal protective equipment by the companies [and] not having any sick leave or anything to fall back on.”

Mr McIntosh said drivers are particularly worried about losing work if they develop symptoms or are deemed a close contact.

He said that many of them are migrants or do not speak English as their first language, which adds challenges in communicating vital health messaging.

Anyone in Australia directed to isolate for 14 days by health authorities can access the  of $1,500. That includes residents on temporary visas who have the right to work.
The risk for drivers has been exacerbated by the highly contagious Delta variant of the virus, which some health authorities have warned can spread

Professor Adrian Esterman, an epidemiologist with the University of South Australia, said delivery workers had an increased risk of infection and of accidentally spreading the virus, “especially with this new variant, which is far more transmissible". 

“Clearly, if someone is moving around and using the general public, then that they are risk,” he said.

“One would hope that they're wearing masks, gloves and taking precautions.”
Professor Esterman told SBS News he would like to see delivery drivers included under the definition of ‘critical and high risk’ workers, which has allowed defence, police, emergency services and meat processing workers access to the vaccine, alongside health workers.

Unions also want to see the group broadened, citing the vital role delivery drivers are playing in keeping the hospitality sector open under lockdown.

“The problem we have when we've got a limited vaccination supply is that all of these essential workers, including gig workers, are not getting vaccinated, and they're the ones that most desperately need to. It's just an absolute debacle,” Mr McIntosh said.

“Everybody relies on them for food delivery, restaurants rely on them to keep operating. 

“They're out there every day. They are the ones interacting with people in hot spots in the middle of a pandemic. And they're not prioritised.”
On Wednesday, Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg  in order to boost vaccination numbers. 

Speaking to reporters, the treasurer did not mention proposals to drive the vaccination of casuals and gig workers.

Mr Frydenberg has indicated expanding businesses involvement in the rollout will be dependent on increasing Pfizer supplies, which are expected to be bolstered from September to October.

"As more supply comes on board, businesses can play a greater role," he said.

Mr Frydenberg rejected suggestions the government had dragged its feet on involving big business in the vaccine rollout.

"It has been subject to getting more supply online," he said. "We are rolling out the vaccine as fast as we can."

Mr McIntosh said food delivery giants like Uber and Deliveroo must take responsibility for protecting their employees, including incentivising and assisting with vaccination.

“All these companies definitely have an obligation and they're raking in the millions,” he said.

“It's no good if you're not going to get paid to take that leave to get it and there's no compensation if you get sick as a result of getting it.

“So where's the incentive for casual workers and gig economy workers?”

4 min read
Published 7 July 2021 6:17pm
Updated 8 July 2021 8:11am
By Naveen Razik

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