The best of Lee Lin Chin's Logies campaign ... so far

It's no secret Lee Lin Chin is vying for a Logies nomination, with the life of every other Australian television personality under threat. #LeeLinforLogieswin

Lee Lin Chin

Join the campaign, or perish #LeeLinforLogieswin Source: The Feed

In classic Lee Lin fashion, her Logies campaign has been "bat shit insane".

From celebrity tweets, battle cries and video revelations, #LeeLinforLogieswin has been much like the queen herself: funny, stylish and a tad terrifying.

We take a look at the best bits ... so far.

To tweet or not to tweet

Our Prime Chinister announced she was officially throwing herself into the Logies 2016 race through her chosen medium, Twitter.
Rove McManus aka Lee Lin's son, apparently

While a phrase like "my little man" ushers fear into the hearts of most, it's also the term of endearment (enfearment?) Lee Lin uses to talk about her, um, son? That Rove guy?
No rose for Osher Gunsberg

Boy, has this campaign packed a lot of surprises so far - namely that The Bachelor's Osher Gunsberg is Lee Lin's "live in lover" and often confined to the "shame hammock". Fun fact: the shame hammock is full of bees.
That time Lee Lin teamed up with Julia Morris

For a moment, at least, before it ended in classic Lee Lin style: with the threat of violence.
Rove's back, with tongues

The question of 'what does Rove do with all his Logies?' has officially been answered. We kinda wish it hadn't.
Merry Christmas, mortals

She made a list, she's checking it twice. She cares not if you've been naughty or nice.
Happy New Yea - zzzzzzzzzzzz

It's your homegurl Lee Lin snoring, uh, we mean speaking...
The promise of more to come

DJ Albo on the decks brah.

2 min read
Published 4 January 2016 11:09am
Updated 4 January 2016 11:15am
By Maria Lewis
Source: The Feed

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