The best lines from the third US presidential debate

The third and final presidential debate covered everything from abortion to immigration and gun control. Here are some of the most memorable things said by both candidates.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton gestures to the crowd as she walks off stage as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump smiles

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton gestures to the crowd as she walks off stage as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump smiles Source: Getty

Donald Trump

On immigration:

“We have some bad hombres here and we’re going to get them out.”
On his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin:

“I don’t know Putin. He’s said nice things about me. If we got along, that would be good. If Russia and the United States got along well and went after ISIS, that would be good.”
On his experience as a businessman:

“I built a massive company, a great company, some of the greatest assets anywhere in the world worth many, many billions of dollars. If we could run our country the way I've run my company, we would have a country that would you would be so proud of. Even you would be proud of it."
On late-term abortion:

“I think it's terrible, if you go with what Hillary is saying, in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby.”
On the economy:

“We will create an economic machine the likes of which we haven’t seen in many decades. And people will go back to work and they’re going to make a lot of money. We’ll have companies that will grow and expand and start from new.”
On whether he’ll accept the election result:

“I will look at it at the time. What I’ve seen is so bad.”
On women:

"No one has more respect for women than I do."
On Hillary Clinton:

“Such a nasty woman”.

Hillary Clinton

On Trump’s rhetoric about women:

“Donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. He goes after their dignity, their self-worth, and I don't think there's a woman anywhere that doesn't know what that feels like.”
On gun laws:

“I support the Second Amendment, I understand and respect the tradition of gun ownership. But I also believe that there must be reasonable regulation.”
On abortion:

“I will defend women's rights to make their own healthcare decisions. We have come too far to have that turn back now, and indeed he said women should be punished, that there should be some form of punishment for women who obtain abortions. And I could just not be more opposed to that kind of thinking.”
On the economy:

“When the middle class thrives, America thrives. And so my plan is based on growing the economy, giving middle class families many more opportunities”.
On the supreme court:

“We need a Supreme Court that stands up for the rights of women and the LGBT community.”
On her political experience:

“Back in the 1970s, I worked for Children’s Defense Fund, and I was taking on discrimination against African-American kids in schools. He was getting sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination in his apartment buildings.

“In the 1980s, I was working to reform the schools in Arkansas. He was borrowing $14 million from his father to start his businesses. In the 1990s, I went to Beijing and I said women’s rights are human rights. He insulted a former miss universe, Alicia Machado - called her an eating machine.

“And on the day when I was in the situation room, monitoring the raid that brought Osama bin Laden to justice, he was hosting The Celebrity Apprentice."

3 min read
Published 20 October 2016 5:00pm
Updated 20 October 2016 6:12pm
By Bianca Soldani

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