Students mob Shorten in rock star welcome

Labor leader Bill Shorten has received a rock star welcome from high school students on the NSW Central Coast.

Bill Shorten at St. Joseph's Catholic College in East Gosford,

Bill Shorten has been mobbed by high school students while campaigning on the NSW Central Coast. (AAP)

Billmania spread across the schoolyard with students mobbing the Labor leader as if he was a pop star rather than a politician.

Unfortunately for Bill Shorten most of them won't be voting on Saturday when Australia decides if he'll be the next prime minister.

On Monday he got a rowdy rock star welcome from boys on the NSW Central Coast at St Edward's College in Gosford, before heading next door to the girls' school - to bedlam.

St Joseph's College students surrounded him, with the slow-moving crush cutting a lap of the basketball court.

Above, more students looked down as he dished out high-fives to a swarm of girls jockeying for a selfie.

"I touched his hand," said one girl to her friend, who hit back with: "I got a video."

The school is in the electorate of Robertson, which Liberal MP Lucy Wicks holds by a mere 1.1 per cent.

After the schoolyard frenzy subsided, Mr Shorten addressed a class of year 11 and 12 students, focusing on gender equality and climate policy.

"Australia's political adults have yet again failed the future so we're really interested in taking action on climate change," he said.

One student asked him what he was doing to make sure the women in his parliamentary team would be properly embraced.

Mr Shorten pointed to the success of Labor's 50-50 gender quota.

"This argument that says somehow that quotas mean that women without merit replace men without merit - spare me," he said.

"You should see some of the blokes the Liberals put up."

After spending the day in NSW, Tasmania was the next target state.

In Launceston, the mission switched from attack to defence as he thanked Labor volunteers with Bass MP Ross Hart.

Despite a 5.4 per cent margin, the electorate is prone to major swings - raising Liberal Party hopes of snatching it.

"If all of us can say at 6pm on Saturday night there is nothing more we could have done," Mr Shorten told the party faithful at the back of a Launceston craft beer hall in the early evening.

"I can guarantee you Labor will be very competitive."

Earlier, Mr Shorten revved up true believers in the western Sydney Liberal electorate of Reid.

The retirement of popular MP Craig Laundy is expected to hurt the Liberals, who hold the seat with a 4.7 per cent margin.

Contesting the seat for Labor is Sam Crosby, who believes Mr Laundy's departure is helping him.

Mr Crosby believes the seat is crucial to Labor's chances of victory.

"If we're winning Reid, we're winning government."

3 min read
Published 13 May 2019 7:24pm
Source: AAP

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