Shorten seeks union-business 'balance'

Labor leader Bill Shorten has visited a Perth TAFE, making a pitch to apprentices and teachers after wooing business leaders at a breakfast event.

Bill Shorten (L) and his wife Chloe in Perth.

Bill Shorten has laid a few bricks while on the campaign trail at a Perth TAFE. (AAP)

Surrounded by West Australian captains of industry, a former union heavyweight who wants to be prime minister struck a conciliatory tone.

In the company of the "top end of town", Bill Shorten assured them they're not the enemy and wanted to make it clear there would be balance in industrial relations under a Labor government he could lead after Saturday.

The opposition leader made his final trip to Perth on Wednesday before the election, making a goodwill breakfast pitch to business leaders.

He described breakfast as the A-list event for aspiring prime ministers and had been warned there would be plenty of people from the "top end of town" at the event.

The Labor leader uses the line to attack coalition policy he says is mainly concerned with benefiting the rich.

"I don't look out at this crowd and see a room full of class enemies," he said.

"It's not my view of Australia, it's never been my view of Australia. I think this country works best when we work together."

He said not since Gough Whitlam in 1972 had an opposition had so many ideas on so many fronts.

And he pondered Australians' choice at voting booths across the nation.

"Can the Liberals' fear campaign trump our positive campaign?"

The host finished by firing off a rapid-fire set of questions which sounded the stuff of a high-brow FM radio interview.

His favourite prime minister is John Curtin.

He nominated Gladiator and Master and Commander as his favourite films, adding that he was "going through a Russell Crowe phase".

There was a surprising admission from an aspiring prime minister about his least favourite place in Australia: "Canberra when it's really cold."

He said the most disgusting thing he'd eaten was "out of a canal" while backpacking in China but insisted he was now a big fan of Szechuan cuisine.

"I don't want to create an international incident."

After the business breakfast, he headed to Attorney-General Christian Porter's seat of Pearce.

It was either a sign of confidence or a bullish bluff designed to make one of the government's most senior ministers nervous three days before polls close.

There's also the Liberal-held seats of Hasluck, Swan and Stirling in play out west.

Labor is looking at the election seat-by-seat, brick-by-brick and its leader gave the perfect TV fodder as he laid a couple of bricks at a Perth TAFE.

Mr Shorten urged the young tradies there to vote Labor to ensure some action on climate change while talking up Labor's plan to restore a tool allowance for budding tradies.

Industrial relations was again in the spotlight, with Labor pledging to establish a new jurisdiction to resolve small wage theft claims in a day.

There's also a $12 million commitment to help boost the number of women tradies in the workforce.

3 min read
Published 15 May 2019 2:42pm
Source: AAP

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