Porn fills screen at Perth's Yagan Square

Porn spotted on an electronic touch screen at Yagan Square in Perth was the result of a "software malfunction" that allowed an internet browser to be accessed.

Porn that appeared on an electronic touch screen at Perth's new Yagan Square was likely to have been manually loaded by a member of the public following a "software malfunction".

Pedestrians saw the Pornhub home page as they walked past the information screen at a mall entrance on Thursday evening.

While some found it funny and posted photographs on social media, others were horrified by the images.

A Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority spokeswoman said on Friday the porn was displayed on one screen for seven minutes and the other was switched off before it could be compromised.

"Early investigations indicate a software malfunction has allowed an internet browser to be accessed via the touchscreens," she said.

"It appears the content was manually loaded by a member of the public."

Both screens will remain off until the investigation is complete and the MRA is assured it will not happen again.

"The contractors involved have been instructed to undertake a full investigation and provide a comprehensive report on the incident and ICT set-up of the screens," the spokeswoman said.

Police will become involved if it is determined a crime has been committed.

Before the MRA made its preliminary findings, WA Opposition Leader Mike Nahan said he was concerned about possible further breaches of government data.

"Cleary it's a breakdown in safety," he told reporters.

"It's just a warning to the government and to its facilities that you have to redouble your effort to protect the communication facilities of government, and particularly the privacy of the information that is gathered."

Treasurer Ben Wyatt said sensitive government data about people had very sophisticated protections.

"This one, being effectively an advertising board, obviously has a lower level of protection. That now is being looked at," he told reporters.

"Do we need to put the sort of protection around it that we have on more sensitive data? Probably not, but we clearly need to have more protections than currently exist."

2 min read
Published 6 April 2018 7:20pm
Source: AAP

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