Nation's leaders set the scene for a federal election

Just days out from an expected election call, Scott Morrison has set out key themes for the coalition's campaign and anti-Labor attack lines.

Federal Government in no hurry to call up election?

PM Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten SBS Source: SBS

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has made what could be a pitch to voters on the eve of an election announcement, defending his government's record on health, schools and tax.

Labor leader Bill Shorten used his budget reply speech on Thursday to hammer the coalition over its lack of commitment to health, cuts to education and tax breaks for the rich.

Mr Morrison told a function in Sydney on Friday - attended by former prime minister John Howard and a raft of ministers - the government would stand on its record at the coming election, which he is expected to call this weekend.

Scott Morrison shakes hands with former prime minister John Howard
An election announcement is expected this weekend, with Scott Morrison appearing ready to do battle. Source: AAP

"Elections are important things - they change the course of nations, they change the economy in which Australians live," Mr Morrison said.

Medicare had "never been stronger" than under the coalition, he said, pointing to a 27 per cent hike in funding since 2013 and 60 per cent rise in hospital spending.

He defended the government's plan to flatten tax, which would see 94 per cent of all taxpayers pay a marginal tax rate of 30 per cent in 2024.

"(Labor) believe that for some people to do better you've got to see some people do worse," he said.

"(We say) lower taxes for everyone - that's a fair go for those who have a go."

However, a YouGov Galaxy Poll conducted for News Corp shows that it may not be a good election for the major parties, with 28 per cent of voters saying they will back a minor party rather than Labor or the coalition.

Scott Morrison was also seen as smug by 31 per cent of voters, arrogant by 31 per cent and untrustworthy by 30 per cent.

Meanwhile Bill Shorten is seen as untrustworthy by 34 per cent of voter, slightly higher than Pauline Hanson's 33 per cent.

Mr Shorten is seen as arrogant by 30 per cent of voters, smug by 29 per cent of voters and useless by 31 per cent.

Rehearsing an attack line likely to be heard many times over the election campaign, Mr Morrison said: "You will be sent the bill for all Bill's spending."

Earlier, Mr Shorten told reporters Labor had a strong record on defending Medicare.

"Your postcode shouldn't determine the quality of your health care; your credit card shouldn't determine the quality of your health care - it should be your Medicare card," he said.

He said the budget on Tuesday had been a "pretty colourless document", while people were looking for imagination and vision.

"I characterise the difference as this - we're about a fair go for all people, schools, hospitals, university, TAFE, childcare, early years education. We're about a vision to help people in cancer."

Mr Shorten said the nation would be better off if Mr Morrison "whistled up the driver, drove down to Yarralumla and called the election".

"The nation's ready for an election."

3 min read
Published 5 April 2019 10:20pm
Updated 5 April 2019 10:57pm

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