Migration debate wrong tone in tough week

Scott Morrison's big migration policy announcement has been months in the making but it came out in possibly the worst week for the discussion to arise.


Instead of selling his immigration policy, the prime minister has been forced to confront the past. (AAP)

Scott Morrison's big immigration policy announcement has been coming for months but it finally landed in an awful week to make it.

The immigration debate in Australia has been racially fraught for a century, as the prime minister himself acknowledged during the week with a reference to the White Australia policy.

"Sadly, white supremacy in sections of Australia is not new," Morrison told the Australia Israel Chamber of Commerce this week.

"It's been around for well over a century and at one time in Australia's history it could even be argued that it held some sort of mainstream position. Thankfully that's no longer the case."

As treasurer, Morrison was a big fan of immigration.

When the hard right of the coalition was arguing for a cut in permanent migration numbers, Morrison fought back for budgetary reasons. Migrants make the country richer.

But as prime minister he officially agreed this week to cut the migration cap from 190,000 a year to 160,000. The policy has been in the works since Morrison took over in August.

Morrison included sweeteners to get migrants to move to regional areas - stay there and you'll get permanent residency faster - and money to develop fast rail projects to satellite cities.

But it was the worst week for the announcement, coming after the Christchurch massacre targeted against Muslims.

An Australian man burst into two mosques and killed 50 people last Friday, his alleged online profiles revelling in far-right memes and hate speech.

It sparked an outpouring of grief across the world, and a moment of reflection for Australia's political and cultural leaders.

Muslim Australians blamed political leaders and media commentators for ratcheting up tensions for years and linking terrorism to immigration.

"Some politicians in Australia have for years been whipping up anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment," Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi told the ABC.

"We've been speaking out and saying this is damaging and hurting the community, and that this does have consequences."

Labor leader Bill Shorten said the prime minister needed to look in his own backyard.

"Dog whistling about immigration and asylum seekers needs to stop," Shorten told reporters.

"And it needs to stop because the crazies, the extremists, they take comfort when there is approval given to go down this slippery path of starting to bag immigration."

Morrison's own history came acutely into focus when a 2011 story about a 2010 shadow cabinet meeting resurfaced.

The story, reported by several media outlets, said Morrison argued the coalition should take advantage of anti-Muslim sentiment in the community.

Morrison called it a "repugnant lie" this week, before telling The Project's Waleed Aly he raised the issue of anti-Muslim sentiment because he wanted to deal with it.

"I was acknowledging that there were these fears in the community and that we had to address them, not exploit them," he told Aly on Thursday night.

Aly read him a list of anti-Muslim statements from coalition MPs, but the prime minister denied his government has an issue with Islamophobia.

"It is not for the party to answer for every single member on every single occasion," he said.

"As leader, it's my job to ensure that the tone I set is the right tone."

Hitting the right tone has been tough this week. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has landed it, drawing universal praise.

But Morrison's efforts to talk about migration ran hard into the coalition's own long history of talking about Islamic extremism and linking it to immigration.

Instead of selling his policy, the prime minister was forced to confront the past during a horrific week.

4 min read
Published 22 March 2019 5:08pm
Source: AAP

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