Labor's 'middle ground' on asylum transfer

Labor is willing to look for a "middle ground" on improving medical treatment for asylum-seekers in offshore detention after security agency warnings.

Bill Shorten wants to meet with the detained man's wife.

Labor leader Bill Shorten Source: AAP

Bill Shorten says Labor will look at advice from security agencies warning against a bill on medical transfers for asylum seekers as he searches for "middle ground" with the government.

The bill, which would ensure two specially-appointed doctors can request medical transfers for offshore asylum seekers to Australia, is due to return to the lower house on Tuesday.

Labor voted for it in the Senate and had indicated its support in the lower house, but Mr Shorten appeared to back away from it on Friday.

"I do think if there's middle ground, we should try and find it," he told reporters in Sydney on Friday.

"This is all about making sure that people in our care, no matter what the circumstances, receive appropriate medical quality care - that's what's driving us.

"We'll hear what the government has to say ... we'll obviously always listen to the facts."

The government this week accused Mr Shorten of ignoring an offered briefing from ASIO, which has warned the proposed laws will threaten Australia's border security.

He said he would look at the briefing in Canberra next week.

"I hope he does listen to the advice. It's taken him five days to actually agree to have a briefing," Prime Minister Scott Morrison told reporters in Sydney.

Mr Morrison said the bill was "acceptable in no form" because it undermines the ability of the minister to reject transfers to Australia.

"Anyone who is supporting this bill is not for stronger borders," Mr Morrison said.

Under pressure from non-government MPs and moderate Liberals, Mr Morrison has also softened his stance, proposing a medical transfer clinical assurance panel to review decisions where refugees and asylum seekers have been denied medical transfers when recommended by treating doctors.

Mr Morrison and Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton initially opposed such a step.

It's unclear whether the numbers are there to pass the amended bill if Labor does choose to support it.

It is also unclear whether the government's medical panel proposal, and warnings from security agencies, will be enough to sway Labor and independents away from backing it.

2 min read
Published 8 February 2019 4:00pm
Source: AAP

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