Labor promises early Medicare freeze end

All Medicare rebates will go up in line with inflation from the middle of this year if federal Labor wins the next election, the party has vowed.

Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten holds up his Medicare card

Bill Shorten vows to remove freeze so that Medicare rebates keep pace with inflation under Labor. (AAP)

A measure that has kept Medicare rebates for some services at the same rate for years - without taking into account inflation - would end a year earlier than planned under a federal Labor government.

But Health Minister Greg Hunt has highlighted the Medicare rebate freeze began under former Labor prime minister Julia Gillard.

The opposition has vowed to end the freeze within 50 days if it forms government after the next election, expected in May.

The measure has been ending in stages since mid-2017, and is due to finish completely in mid-2020.

Ending the freeze early will cost $213 million and mean rebates for about 100 GP items - including family counselling and mental health care - will resume going up in line with price rises across the economy.

Labor leader Bill Shorten says the pledge is aimed at making healthcare more affordable, as the cost of living creeps higher.

"This government has put the cost of the healthcare system back on to the burden of Australian families and their savings," he told reporters in Melbourne on Monday.

Mr Hunt has sought to undermine Labor's credibility to manage Medicare, including by arguing it is at the heart of the freeze.

"Embarrassingly for Mr Shorten we ended the Medicare freeze which Labor introduced," he said.

A temporary freeze was introduced by the Gillard government, intended to run between November 2013 and July 2014.

It was extended by the Liberal-National coalition in 2014 to four years and extended for another two years in 2016, before the government laid out a plan in its 2017 budget to gradually wind up the measure.

Mr Shorten says if his party forms government, it has no plans of bringing the measure back later down the track.

Mr Hunt has also highlighted his government was the first to index rebates - meaning they go up with inflation - for medical imaging services, such as x-rays and ultrasounds.

Independent MP and former Australian Medical Association president Kerryn Phelps believes Medicare will be a key election issue.

"The issue around the Medicare rebate freeze is coming to a tipping point," she told Sky News on Monday.

Dr Phelps said general practitioners had been absorbing increased costs of managing a practice when they bulk billed patients.

"If indexation had kept up with the cost of managing a practice and there hadn't been the rebate freeze, then the rebate would be about double what it is at the moment," she said.

3 min read
Published 25 March 2019 12:04pm
Source: AAP

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