Highlights of federal election campaign

Australia's political leaders attended Anzac Day services and ballots were drawn across the country in campaign week overshadowed by the Sri Lanka bombings.


* Prime Minister Scott Morrison campaigned in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Darwin, Townsville and Gladstone

* Opposition Leader Bill Shorten campaigned in Melbourne, Brisbane, Cairns, Gladstone, Townsville, Darwin and Melbourne

* There were three campaign truces for Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Anzac Day

* The Easter Sunday terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka cast a shadow over the campaign, killing more than 250 people including two Australians.

* Morrison confirmed one of the suicide bombers had studied in Australia

* The Liberals faced questions about 'watergate', two controversial water buybacks to companies with ties to the Cayman Islands, which cost $80 million

* Barnaby Joyce, who was water minister at the time, says he has nothing to hide (in an extraordinary ABC radio interview)

* Polling shows a surge of support for Clive Palmer, prompting the Liberals to engage in a preference deal with him

* Shorten goes on his morning run with rugby league legend Johnathan Thurston

* Shorten is grilled over his position on Adani, saying he won't be "bullied over the coal mine"

* Protesters rally outside the campaign launch for Nicolle Flint in Boothby, with signs critical of her support for Peter Dutton in the Liberal leadership spill

* Activist group GetUp withdrew its controversial ad depicting a budgie smuggler-clad Tony Abbott refusing to rescue a swimmer, following outrage from lifesavers

* The Australian Electoral Commission ballot draw occurs across the country, giving Pauline Hanson's One Nation a boost with lucky draws in Queensland and Western Australia

* Morrison addresses the crowd at an Anzac Day dawn service in Townsville, as Shorten does the same in Darwin

* Morrison disappoints punters by not skolling his beer at a pub on Anzac Day

* Shorten is introduced as "Chloe Shorten's husband" at an event at the Queen Victoria Women's Centre in Melbourne

2 min read
Published 26 April 2019 2:30pm
Source: AAP

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