Federal parliament returns for 2019

Members of parliament return to Canberra next week for the first sittings of the year, ahead of an early April budget and May election.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison will give a National Press Club address on Monday. (AAP)


* Prime Minister Scott Morrison to kick off the parliamentary year with a National Press Club address on Monday.

* Church service in Canberra on Tuesday morning, with Mr Morrison and Bill Shorten expected to attend.

* House and Senate sit Tuesday to Thursday. The following week is a House-only four-day sitting, with the Senate in estimates hearings.

* Labor is expected to seek crossbench approval to add two sitting weeks in March, before the April budget and May election.

* Unclear what legislative action will be taken in regard to the banking royal commission's recommendations. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says his priorities are: laws to set up a compensation scheme of last resort; extending the jurisdiction of the Federal Court to cover corporate criminal misconduct; and ensuring superannuation fund trustees can face civil penalties for breaches of their best interests obligations. Labor has offered bipartisan support to fast-track reform.

* Medical approvals for asylum seekers likely to be debated. Independent MP Kerryn Phelps' bill is not listed for further debate in the House. However a government bill, amended in the Senate along the same lines of the Phelps bill, is due to be 'reported' to the House on Tuesday. While a debate is likely, parliamentary rules mean there can't be a vote on it in the House until 4.10pm that day.

* The annual Closing the Gap report will be released on Thursday, with speeches by the PM and Opposition Leader.

* Wednesday. Senate reports are due on: rehabilitation of mining and resources projects; the practice of dowry and dowry abuse in Australia; support for Australia's thalidomide survivors; jobactive; Great Barrier Reef 2050 Partnership Program.

* Thursday. Senate reports are due on: mental health of first responders, emergency workers and volunteers; proposed parliamentary code of conduct; Franchising Code of Conduct and Oil Code of Conduct.

* Retiring senators are due to give valedictory speeches on Wednesday afternoon.

2 min read
Published 8 February 2019 9:46am
Source: AAP

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