Egg protest is no yolk, say federal police

A protester was made to throw away a carton of eggs before Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a fast rail project.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison (centre) addresses the media in Victoria

Police made a protester throw away a carton of eggs before Scott Morrison(C)announced a rail project (AAP)

Police protecting Prime Minister Scott Morrison made a union protester throw away his carton of eggs at a fast rail announcement in Geelong.

No eggs were thrown or cracked on Mr Morrison during his media conference, but the protesters did chant loudly.

A Victorian teen attracted global attention on the weekend when he cracked an egg on the head of senator Fraser Anning, who had made inflammatory comments about the Christchurch massacre.

"I heard they were (carrying eggs) and that may have been their intention but I'm sure that hopefully better sense has prevailed," Mr Morrison told reporters in Geelong on Friday.

An Australian Federal Police officer, who travels with Mr Morrison, made the protester throw the eggs away before the prime minister arrived.

The union-aligned protesters were told they were allowed to protest but were warned not to throw "projectiles".

They chanted slogans calling for the Morrison government to be kicked out of office at the next election in favour of Labor leader Bill Shorten.

"This is what you have to look forward to under a Shorten government," Mr Morrison said.

"These shouty union power voices deciding the future of Australia."

2 min read
Published 22 March 2019 12:06pm
Source: AAP

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