Donald Trump talks up trade progress, but China has a different account

China's President Xi Jinping has reportedly accused the US of interfering in its internal affairs but President Donald Trump lauded progress on several issues.

President Donald Trump says progress on  trade, North Korea and Hong Kong is being made. China disagrees.

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for the US and China to improve relations in said in a call with President Donald Trump. Source: AAP

President Donald Trump has spoken with Chinese President Xi Jinping and claimed progress on issues from trade to North Korea and Hong Kong, but China says Xi

The two leaders spoke on the phone a week after their envoys sealed a Phase 1 agreement aimed at ending an 18-month trade war that has rattled markets and raised tensions.

Mr Trump announced the phone call in a tweet. A White House official said they spoke on Friday morning. China Central Television said Mr Xi spoke to Mr Trump at the request of the US president.
US President Donald Trump.
US President Donald Trump. Source: Getty Images
"Had a very good talk with President Xi of China concerning our giant Trade Deal. China has already started large scale purchase of agricultural product & more. Formal signing being arranged. Also talked about North Korea, where we are working with China, & Hong Kong (progress!)" Mr Trump tweeted.

China's Xinhua news agency said Mr Xi told Mr Trump that China is deeply concerned about "the negative words and deeds" of the US on issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet.
"These actions have interfered in China's internal affairs, harmed China's interests and undermined mutual trust and co-operation between the two sides," Xinhua said.
The US has called for the closure of mass detention camps in China's western region of Xinjiang and expressed concern about the treatment of demonstrators in Hong Kong.

Xinhua said Mr Xi hoped Mr Trump would implement "the important consensus" reached during their meetings and phone calls and "pay close attention to and attach importance to China's concerns, and prevent the interference of bilateral relations and the important agenda".

China was angered when the US president last month signed legislation that authorises sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials responsible for human rights abuses in Hong Kong, in what was seen as support for pro-democracy activists.

Of paramount concern to the US is a threat by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to deliver what
China's President Xi Jinping speaks upon his arrival at Macau's international airport.
China's President Xi Jinping speaks upon his arrival at Macau's international airport. Source: AFP
US officials have interpreted this to mean either a nuclear weapons test or a ballistic missile test.

Mr Trump and the North Korean leader have held three summits but failed to reach an agreement on lifting sanctions on North Korea in exchange for denuclearisation by Pyongyang.

China and Russia on Monday proposed that the UN Security Council lift a ban on North Korea exports such as seafood and textiles, in a move the Russian UN envoy said was aimed at encouraging talks between Washington and Pyongyang.

The State Department, in response, said the UN Security Council should not be considering "premature sanctions relief" for North Korea as it is "threatening to conduct an escalated provocation, refusing to meet to discuss denuclearisation".

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng met US special envoy for North Korea Stephen Biegun on Friday, China's foreign ministry said. It was Mr Biegun's second high-level meeting in Beijing in two days amid growing tension on the Korean peninsula.

North Korea has conducted a series of weapons tests in recent weeks and some experts say the reclusive state may be preparing for an intercontinental ballistic missile test soon.

Such a test would mark a break from the detente reached with the United States last year, dash any hopes of resuming talks on ending North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, and put the two countries back on a path of confrontation.

Xinhua said that Mr Xi stressed to Mr Trump that all parties need to seek a political settlement on the North Korean issue and that "all parties should meet each other halfway and maintain the momentum of easing dialogue, which serves the common interests of all parties".

With AAP...

4 min read
Published 21 December 2019 7:12am
Updated 21 December 2019 2:43pm
By SBS News
Source: SBS

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