Cruelty has not prevailed in Australia: PM

Amid the mixed emotions and traditions of Australia Day, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says cruelty has not prevailed in the nation.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison give the Sebastien family flags.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison celebrates Australia Day with the new citizens, the Sebastien family. (AAP)

Australians across the country commemorated our national day in a variety of ways - among the official events, there was frivolity and fireworks, while several thousand became proud citizens.

But many others lamented the impact on indigenous people of the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 and protested January 26 as invasion day.

After a divisive lead-up to Australia Day, Prime Minister Scott Morrison attended the national citizenship ceremony in Canberra, noting that Australia had come a long way since then.

He said the arrival of the First Fleet had been a hard day for the convicts too, which included one of his forebears on the Scarborough.

"It was a new beginning for him, but it would have seemed a particularly grim one at the time and life was indeed about to get a lot tougher."

Mr Morrison said it was not the cruelty or dispossession of Australia's "modern beginnings" that had prevailed since then but ideals that came too - of liberty and equality.

"The wonder of our country is that out of such hardship and cruelties would emerge a nation as decent, so fair and so prosperous as ours today. That is what we celebrate."

Mr Morrison thanked indigenous Australians for the wonderful inheritance of their 60,000 years of culture and history.

But for some that's not enough to heal the wounds of the impact on indigenous people of that long ago arrival on January 26.

Tens of thousands of protesters marched around the nation arguing the term "invasion day" better describes what happened in 1788 and the suffering that indigenous Australians have experienced since.

Melbourne's CBD was brought to a standstill while protesters gave speeches railing against Aboriginal deaths in custody, a spate of Aboriginal child suicides, calls for the abolition of public drunkenness laws and ending children being taken from family care.

"We lost five young ones in the last couple of weeks to suicide and the world has been silent," Wurundjeri elder Di Kerr told the rally in front of parliament house in Victoria.

In Sydney, Wiradjuri woman Yvonne Weldon began her welcome to country at Sydney's harbourside morning ceremony by noting January 26 was a "sombre" day for first nations people.

"On this day 231 years ago it was the beginning of a devastating change in the lives of the first nations of this land," Ms Weldon said.

"A change that was the start of traumas never experienced before."

Labor leader Bill Shorten said it was important to recognise the long history of indigenous Australians.

In Townsville, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said Queenslanders celebrated the national day with thoughtful awareness of the past.

Elsewhere in the state, many Queenslanders were more preoccupied with local traditions like cockroach and cane toad racing, while in Sydney the harbour again took centre stage for celebrations.

They were also engaged, like Australians right around the country, in enjoying a day off, picnics and family fun.

A record 16,212 new citizens from 146 different countries took part in 365 ceremonies across the country - the most on any given day since the first citizenship ceremony 70 years ago.

Last year there was 12,087 new citizens taking part.

This year the top five countries for new Australian citizens were: India (918), UK (517), Philippines (323), China (239), South Korea (176).

4 min read
Published 26 January 2019 5:04pm
Source: AAP

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