Citizenship changes: New migrants dragged into political fight

Labor MPs have unanimously rejected the Turnbull government's citizenship law changes, with ministers accusing the opposition of undermining security.

Migrants wanting to secure Australian citizenship have been dragged into an ugly political row as the major parties trade blows over new laws.

Labor has accused the Turnbull government of snobbery and vowed to oppose tougher hurdles to citizenship, while the prime minister has questioned his political foes' commitment to national security.

Opposition MPs on Tuesday unanimously rejected the coalition's calls to bipartisanship on legislation before parliament forcing migrants to sit stand-alone English language tests before applying for citizenship.

The government also wants to increase the minimum permanent residency period from one year to four, introduce a new values test, and require stronger character checks.

Labor labelled the bill a "massive over-reach".
"They have taken some steps, which, put simply, Australia should never take and are inconsistent with who we are as a country," frontbencher Tony Burke told reporters in Canberra.

He also said the changes had nothing to do with national security as claimed by the government.

"If there is a national security problem for these people, then why on earth does the government have them already living here permanently?" Mr Burke said.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was aghast at the suggestion.

"Does this member imagine for one minute an integrated society, a harmonious society, one based on shared values and mutual respect ... has nothing to do with security?" Mr Turnbull told MPs.

"It is the very foundation of it."

Labor also took exception to the longer waiting time and the English language test, which Mr Burke said was as an "act of snobbery".

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton dismissed that claim as nonsense and insisted he would be not be compromising on his legislation.

"I'm confident we can get this bill through the Senate because I think ultimately Labor will change their position," he said.

Justice Minister Michael Keenan - invoking the deadly Lindt Cafe siege in Sydney - said it was critical to weed out bad eggs before they entered the country and long before they achieved citizenship.
"It's a question about whether people are here, whether they should subsequently be granted citizenship, and that was something that clearly didn't work well in the case of (gunman) Man Monis," he told Sky News.

"The system in the way it's operated in the past has been far too generous to people and what we've had when there's been red flags raised is the system essentially just gave them the benefit of the doubt consistently."

The government will have to rely on the crossbench for support and that doesn't look promising.

Nick Xenophon is doubtful about English language requirements being necessary for Australia's safety.

"I support the government in ensuring that we have an orderly migration program, that we control our borders, but I don't think we should have a punitive test," the senator told reporters.

3 min read
Published 20 June 2017 1:42pm
Updated 20 June 2017 7:48pm
Source: AAP

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