Charities warn new laws will ‘stifle’ their right to political advocacy

Groups including charities will now be forced to reveal their donors if they reach the $250,000 threshold for political spending.

Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie at a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra.

Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie at a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra. Source: AAP

Australian charities have condemned new laws pushed through the parliament as an attempt to “stifle” their right to engage in political advocacy during elections.

The law, which has a retrospective effect, means charities engaged in advocacy will now have to disclose their donors if their political expenditure meets a $250,000 threshold.

That threshold has been halved from $500,000.
Charities are concerned the move is aimed to undermine attempts to advocate on political issues during election campaigns.

Australian Conservation Foundation chief executive Kelly O’Shanassy described the measure as a “real blow for democracy” with their charity expected to be captured by the new threshold.

“We are seeing charities treated the same as political parties - we are not trying to run for political office - it will stifle advocacy for a better Australia,” she told SBS News.

to back the laws in the Senate on Wednesday, after securing a deal for the Morrison government to drop its controversial voter ID laws.
The laws officially passed the lower house on Thursday, after Labor had negotiated amendments that raised the disclosure threshold from the initial proposed figure of $100,000.

Another amendment had changed the rules to describe organisations governed by the laws as “significant third parties,” instead of political campaigners.

The move had responded to concerns from charities their status could become under threat because of their advocacy.

But ahead of the final vote, Greens leader Adam Bandt voiced his discontent about the measures being "rushed through" the parliament on the last sitting day of the year.

“This is a dirty deal that is bad for democracy,” he told parliament.

“We are [being] urged to rush through a bill that will silence charities and string them up with red tape.”
Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie also took aim at the major political parties saying the laws would “absolutely cream” the charity sector “out of their donations".

Independent MP Zali Steggall added that the reforms would keep charities from raising awareness through their advocacy work, describing the measure as “undemocratic”.

But Labor’s Treasury spokesperson Jim Chalmers defended the opposition’s decision to support the proposal.

“We always try and strike the right balance to be constructive. We have been the chief defenders of charities in this building,” he told reporters.

In a statement, Special Minister of State Ben Morton said the reforms would provide the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) the legislative tools they need to require further disclosure and transparency from entities seeking to influence elections.

“For too long independents and political activist groups have been able to hide dark money without being held to the same standard as political parties,” he said. 

“Activist groups have been funnelling money into campaigns to influence elections. It is time the Australian people finally know what they’ve been up to.“

Australian Council of Social Services CEO Cassandra Goldie said charities were “deeply concerned” the legislation would prevent them from advocating for “much-needed changes.”

“Everyone across the country benefits when charities are able to advocate for systemic policy reform,” she said.

3 min read
Published 2 December 2021 4:59pm
By Tom Stayner
Source: SBS News

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