Assange arrest: What they're saying

World leaders, supporters and critics are variously celebrating and condemning the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Here's how key figures have reacted to the dramatic arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London.

His expulsion from the Ecuadorian embassy means the US can now seek his extradition over the biggest leak of classified information in American history.

* Australian Prime Minister Scott Morisson:

"It's got nothing to do with us, it is a matter for the US." - Morrison rules out Australian intervention in Assange's extradition.

* Opposition Leader Bill Shorten:

"He should receive consular assistance and other than that I don't know the facts and he will be represented in court." - Shorten after being asked if Labor would fight the extradition.

* British Prime Minister Theresa May:

"The whole House will welcome the news this morning that the Metropolitan Police have arrested Julian Assange, arrested for breach of bail after nearly seven years in the Ecuadorean embassy," May tells parliament no-one is above the law.

* British Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn:

"The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British government."

* British Judge Michael Snow:

"His behaviour is that of a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interests." - Snow condemns Assange while convicting him of skipping bail in 2012 and taking refuge in the embassy.

* US President Donald Trump:

"I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It's not my thing." - US President Donald Trump tells reporters he has no opinion on the charges against Assange.

* Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson:

"Since 2010 we've warned that Julian Assange would face prosecution and extradition to the United States for his publishing activities with WikiLeaks. Unfortunately today we've been proven right." Robinson warns of a "dangerous precedent" for media who dare to report truthful information about the US.

* Australian journalist John Pilger:

"The action of the British police in literally dragging Julian Assange from the Ecuadorean embassy and the smashing of international law by the Ecuadorean regime in permitting this barbarity are crimes against the most basic natural justice. This is a warning to all journalists."

* WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson

"This is a dark day for journalism. This has to be averted," Hrafnsson, who also accused Ecuador of throwing Assange "overboard".

* Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno

"(Ecuador will) be more careful in giving asylum to people who are really worth it and not miserable hackers whose only goal is to destabilise governments. We are tolerant, calm people but we're not stupid." - Moreno accuses Assange of political meddling and biting the hand that fed him for years.

* Ecuadorian ambassador to the UK Jaime Marchan:

"He has said that we were spying on him, he has said we were lying, we were agents of the United States." - Marchan, who also accused Assange of interfering in elections, politics and the internal affairs of other countries.

* US whistleblower Edward Snowden:

"Images of Ecuador's ambassador inviting the UK's secret police into the embassy to drag a publisher of-like it or not-award-winning journalism out of the building are going to end up in the history books. Assange's critics may cheer, but this is a dark moment for press freedom." Snowden, who lives in political asylum in Russia.

* Assange's friend, US actress Pamela Anderson:

"How could you Equador (sic)? (Because he exposed you). How could you UK? Of course - you are America's bitch and you need a diversion from your idiotic Brexit bullshit."

4 min read
Published 12 April 2019 10:02am
Source: AAP

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