How Binatang Press and KRACK! Collectives achieve their success?

In the studio of KRACK! Collective, Sukma Smita (in red shirt) and Rudi Hermawan (in green T-shirt), explained about printmaking process to visiting Monash University students - 2022. Photo by Dr Michelle Antoinette.

In the studio of KRACK! Collective, Sukma Smita (in red shirt) and Rudi Hermawan (in green T-shirt), explained about printmaking process to visiting Monash University students - 2022. Photo by Dr Michelle Antoinette.

Jakarta-based independent publisher, Binatang Press, and KRACK! Collectives, a group specializing in art prints and books, have found success through a strong collaborative relationship.

Their success extends beyond collaboration. Both Binatang Press and KRACK! Collectives were invited to exhibit their work and share their experiences at the NGV.

This recognition highlights the international appeal of their art, as explored by Dr. Bianca Winataputri, a curator and author whose research focuses on Southeast Asian contemporary art.

 Sukma Smita (in red shirt) from KRACK! Collective talking to visiting Monash University students to the KRACK! Studio -  2022. Photo by Dr Michelle Antoinette.
Sukma Smita (in red shirt) from KRACK! Collective talking to visiting Monash University students to the KRACK! Studio - 2022. Photo by Dr Michelle Antoinette.
Dr. Winataputri, who previously taught at Monash University, has shed light to SBS Indonesian on how these Indonesian groups are captivating audiences abroad with their artwork.

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