Koj puas nyiam mus ncig Australia cov National Parks?

The Twelve Apostles, Victoria - Port Campbell National Park)

The Twelve Apostles, Victoria - Port Campbell National Park) Source: Wikimedia-Richard Mikalsen C.C. A SA 3.0

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Koj puas tau mus ncig xyuas Australia tej parks li, tej zaum koj yuav tau txais txiaj ntsim ntau tshaj qhov koj xav. Tab sis yuav npaj li cas thiaj tau txias kev lom zem thiab tau txais kev nyab xeeb rau koj thiab koj tsev neeg thaum mus xyuas tej paj ntawd.

Nyob rau teb chaws Australia no ces feem ntau yeej nyiam tawm rooj mus ua si  thiab mus saib mus ncig tej parks kom ho pom tej ib puag ncig toj roob hauv pes hav zoov hav tsuag seb zoo li cas. Tsis hais koj yuav mus ploj qab thu dej saib pob zeb tawg paj ntawm Great Barrier Reef los yog mus saib tshiaj qus ntawm lub pov txwv Kangaroo Island los sis mus xyuas Australia cov neeg txum tim tej kab lis kev cai ntawm lub pob zeb liab Uluru hauv plawv tebchaws Australia. Tab sis kev pov puag koj tus kheej thiab tej ib puag ncig thaum koj mus xyuas tej vaj (parks) no los kuj tseem ceeb heev thiab.

Pib thawj ces xav kom koj mus tshawb nrhiav nyeem tej xov xwm txog lub vaj (park) uas koj xav mus xyuas hauv online ua ntej.

Ua ntej koj yuav mus xyuas lub park ces xav kom koj mus txheeb xyuas cov xov xwm qhia txog lub park raws li nom tswv xeev ntau lub vam sab hauv qab kawg nkaus ntawm zaj xov xwm no (Xyuas cov list) tso.

Yuav ua rau koj paub txog tej ib puag ncig thiab tej chaw uas sawv daws xav mus xyuas ntawm thaj chaw ntawd los yog tej xov xwm txog lub vaj (park) tias seb koj puas tau them nyiaj nkag mus saib los yog mus dawb thiab ho muaj dab tsi rau sawv daws koom los yog ho ua dab tsi ntawm tej park no  thiab yuav tau txheeb xyuas seb huab cua zoo li cas ua ntej yuav mus thiab.
Research your destination to check things like weather and entry fees if applicable. Source: AAP

Tsis txhob kov los yog txhob mus taug kev rau ntawm tej thaj chaw uas teev zwm txog Australia tej keeb kwm los yog Australian cov neeg txum tim tej chaw tseem ceeb.

Australia cov National parks feem ntau yog cov chaw muaj tej nrog tsuag xyoob ntoos los yog tej kab lis kev cai tseem ceeb ntawm Australia cov neeg txum tim.

Cov chaw no tej zaum yuav yog tej duab kos rau tej pob zeb, tej chaw uas cov neeg txum tim mus sib ntsib, thiab tej chaw uas cov neeg txum tim ua lawv tej kab lis kev cai los yog tej chaw tseem ceeb rau lawv tej kab lis kev cai.

Tsoom hwv tebchaws Australia tau koom nrog Australia cov neeg txum tim tswj 6 lub parks thaib 13 thaj chaw nruab deg uas ceev pov puag tej tsiaj nruab deg thiab.
Aboriginal carvings on Flinders Island
Aboriginal rock art is often protected, make sure you're aware of the rules when viewing. Source: Getty Images

Tab sis yus puas yuav tau them nyiaj mam tau mus saib los yog mus ncig xyuas?

Kuj muaj ntau lub parks uas yog koj caij tsheb mus xyuas ces yuav tau them nyiaj me ntsis thiab tab sis yog tias yus taug ko taws mus xyuas los yog caij tsheb kauj vab mus xyuas xwb ces kuj tsis tau them nyiaj dab tsi.

Hos yog koj ho yog cov neeg nyiam mus ncig xyuas national park tas lis ces koj muaj peev xwm yauv cov pib siv tau rau lub caij holidays, siv tau ntau hnub los yog siv txwm ib xyoo kiag los tau kom ho pab koj txuag tau nyiaj me ntsis.  Tab sis cov pib no yuav sib txawv ntawm ib lub xeev mus rau lwm lub, yog li koj thiaj tsis muaj peev xwm coj cov pib ntawm ib lub xeev mus siv rau lwm lub xeev.

Tab sis ho yuav ua li cas koj thiaj yuav tau txais kev nyab xeeb?

Yog tias koj txiav txim siab mus xyuas ib lub park uas nyob deb ces koj yuav tsum tau qhia rau koj tej neeg txheeb ze ib tug twg paub ua ntej koj mus.  Thiab xav kom koj ntim zaub mov, dej thiab khaub ncaws hnav kom sov nqa nrog koj mus. Tsis txhob cia li lam tau lam mus rau tej chaw uas koj tsis paub thiab yuav tsum tau mus raws tej ntsa laj kab thaiv xwb thiaj tau txais kev nyab xeeb rau koj.
Kosciuszko National Park
Don't forget to tell someone if you are going to a remote location, for a walk or camping as seen here in NSW's Kosciuszko National Park. Source: Getty Images

Yuav tsum pov puag koj kom txhob raug tshav ntuj ziab thaum mus los sis ua luam dej:

Yeej xav kom koj pleev tshuaj rau cev nqaij daim tawv kom txhob raug hnub kub thiab ziab thiab ntoos koos mom!.

Hos yog koj ho txiav txim siab xav mus da dej ces yuav tsum xyuas seb thaj chaw ntawv puas tob li cas, dej puas kub txias los yog puas muaj dej ntws ceev muaj zog li cas. Ceev faj thaum koj mus taug tej pob zeb raws nug hiav txwv thiab yuav tsum tau xyuam xim tsis txhob mus ze rau tej chaw muaj kheb nyob thiab.

Tom qab koj mus ncig vaj (park) tag yuav tsum tau nqa tej khoom qias nrog koj mus txhob lam tau lam pov rau ub rau no:

Australia cov parks ces muaj yuav laug txog 4% ntawm tag nrho cov av ntawm lub tebchaws no. Cov national parks yog cov chaw pov puag tsis pub lwm tus txov txo uas tej chaw ntawd yeej tseem zoo li qub tsis tau puas, muaj tej nrog tsuag xyoob ntoo thiab tej tsiaj txhu nyob rau ntawm no thiab.

Yog tias koj pov khoom qias (khibnyiab) rau ces yuav muaj teeb meem rau tej ib puag ncig. Yog li thaum koj ci nqaij noj tas  los yog noj mov tom hav zoov tas (pinic) rau ntawm cov park no ces xav kom koj nqa koj tej khoom qia coj los pog tseg rau tom tsev.

Yog koj xav tau xov xwm ntxiv txog Australia cov parks ces mus txheeb xyuas tau ntxiv ntawm


More useful links:

- Parks Victoria: 

- Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife Service: 

- NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service: 

- Queensland Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sports and Racing: 

- National Parks South Australia: 

- Western Australia Department of Parks and Wildlife: 

- Tasmania Park and Wildlife Service: 


Thiab nyeem tau zaj xov xwm ua lus English ntawm txog Australian National Parks tau ntawm no

Los yog mloog tau xov xwm ntau yam ntawm xov tooj cua SBS Radio Hmong Program ntawm thiab thiab hauv facebook ntawm
