Alex Dafner with the latest news in Yiddish


Credit: Yiddish

Top Israeli security experts, including Mark Regev, were in Australia as part of the Be’er Sheva Dialogue. Top Israeli security experts, including Mark Regev, were in Australia as part of the Be’er Sheva Dialogue

Top Israeli security experts, including Mark Regev, were in Australia as part of the Be’er Sheva Dialogue, in which they met with Australian politicians, journalists and government departments to discuss areas of strategic interest.

Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett will be the guest of honour at the United Israel Appeal Australia’s 2023 campaign gala events across Australia, a campaign which hopes to raise funds for the settlement of Ukrainian and Russian immigrants in Israel.

The ABC managing director David Anderson admitted during a Senate Estimates hearing that the Australian Broadcaster’s Jerusalem news producer Fouad Abu Gosh committed a breach of the ABC’s social media policy with anti-Israel tweets.

The Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and opposition leader Matthew Guy both appealed to Victorian voters to support their respective parties on the eve of the 26th November, 2022 elections.
