

Kim Jong-un walks towards Donald Trump at their Singapore summit.

Labor says the historic summit between North Korea and the US hasn't ended the threat. Source: AAP

「 特金會 」 已經落下帷幕, 6 月 10 日下午,朝鮮領袖金正恩專機抵達新加坡樟宜機場,隨後乘坐賓士 S 級轎車,抵達新加坡五星級的豪華瑞吉酒店( The St Regis )。 12日金正恩與美國總統特朗普會面的嘉佩樂酒店(Capella Hotel)也是一所老牌五星酒店。

朝鮮的花銷誰來付? 美國直接說不,韓國也沒有把手伸入韓國國民的口袋,慷慨解囊的是新加坡。

此前新加坡總理李顯龍公開對媒體透露,新加坡預計會為這場峰會投入約 2000 萬新加坡元,其中約一半是保安費用,並強調 「 我國願意承擔這筆費用 」 ,為這項國際努力做出貢獻。
"Singapore, a beautiful and developed city, has become all the more famous because of the meeting of the century", the female voiceover reported.
"Singapore, a beautiful and developed city, has become all the more famous because of the meeting of the century", the female voiceover reported. Source: Supplied
24 日, 應媒體要求公佈了為 「 特金會 」 支付的費用。

聲明稱,新加坡為了朝鮮半島和平,促使美朝領導人會晤舉辦峰會共花費 1630 萬新加坡元( 1621 萬澳元),比之前李顯龍總理的估計要少。 聲明還表示,大部分支出是用在了安保上。

Published 27 June 2018 1:00pm
Updated 27 June 2018 5:00pm
By Dong Xing

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