
警方在布里斯班的一场“珍视黑人生命(Black Lives Matter)”集会中逮捕了两人,其中一人为原住民长老韦恩·沃顿(Wayne Wharton)。

Police and a Black Lives Matter protestor are seen during a protest outside the Roma Street Magistrates Court in Brisbane.

Police and a Black Lives Matter protestor are seen during a protest outside the Roma Street Magistrates Court in Brisbane. Source: AAP

警方在布里斯班的一场“珍视黑人生命(Black Lives Matter)”集会中逮捕了两人。


这群人封锁了South East Freeway附近的匝道,在警察将他们带走之前,这里的交通一度中断。
A Black Lives Matter protester confronts police officers during a protest outside the Roma Street Magistrates Court in Brisbane.
A Black Lives Matter protester confronts police officers during a protest outside the Roma Street Magistrates Court in Brisbane. Source: AAP

Wayne Wharton pictured outside the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy in 2014.
Wayne Wharton pictured outside the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy in 2014. Source: AAP
抗议者表示,被捕两人有一人为知名原住民权利活动家及原住民长老韦恩·沃顿(Wayne Wharton)。

在两人被捕后,其他人游行前往Roma Street要求将两人释放。

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Published 17 June 2020 5:01pm
Presented by Helen Chen

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